Sometimes you can use a little help.

“Today at 6am I had a life changing coaching session. “

How Does Coaching Help?

Get Focus

Identify what’s important and what needs your attention now! We’ll prepare a customized plan with clear goals and a realistic time frame.

Learn Faster

Why re-invent the wheel? I’ll share best practices people in similar situations have used successfully to achieve the results you want.

Stay on Track

It takes energy to stay motivated. At times when you feel you’re ready to give up, I’ll help you stay the course, showing you how far you’ve come & how to keep on going.

Achieve More

As your coach I’ll help you solve problems and overcome roadblocks, but will also hold you accountable, follow-up on your progress  and guide you to the finish line.


The Coaching Process

Coaching provides a structured approach and offers guidance, support, and accountability.

Here’s how it works:

The Coaching Call

This is the cornerstone of your coaching program. An online video call where you and your coach make and review plans. You will also learn new skills and explore different solutions to your everyday challenges.

Feedback & Advice

Feel free to ask for help. Send a message to your coach. You’ll usually get an immediate response with advice, or an answer to your questions. Or just update your coach on your progress and get some encouragement.

Follow-up Email

Your coach will follow up every call with a documented action plan. Use it as a checklist and a reminder of the highlights of your discussion. It may also include recommended reading, and other resources.

Progress Review

Progress should never go unnoticed. Keep track of how far you’ve come through the progress report. It shows  a detailed history of your milestones, the challenges you’ve overcome and new skills you’ve learnt.

Book A Coaching Session